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The PLUG & PLAY system

for REAL TIME monitoring of all power generation plants:


hydroelectric - cogeneration

Always know if your plant

is  ON   or  OFF

from your smartphone

thanks to the App

✅ The CHEAPEST on the marketplace

✅NO dedicated Wi - fi

✅NO dedicated SIM card

✅NO changes to the electrical system

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Kilowapp - Real-time total control

A simple and complete kit to monitor in real time the operation of each power generation plant.

Kilowapp® is an easy PLUG & PLAY system, able to account for, store and send in real time the electricity produced by your photovoltaic/wind plant.

Kilowapp® neither needs SIM card with dedicated data traffic nor WI-FI network, just download the App Kilowapp® from App Store or Google Play Store on your smartphone/tablet and the system will autonomously send instant data of electricity produced.


Dedicated support and timely analysis

Periodic plant productivity reports and incentive payment monitoring

Fast performance

Productivity and operation of the plant will always be within reach of the app.

Dedicated support

Personal and prompt assistance from monitoring technicians.

Plug&Play Installation

The kilowapp kit is pocket-sized, ready-to-use, easily installable and removable, no needs for electrical work.

Come funziona

- 03.10.19 -

KILOWAPP's official presentation

at the Italian Ministry of the Environment


​Directly from Rome, from the Ministry of Environment and Protection of the Territory and the Sea, during the meeting between Minister Sergio Costa and the Eco-Futuro network, the owner of STUDIOVENTURELLI Srls, Massimo Venturelli, presented Kilowapp during the broader theme speech: "Yes to small renewable companies, no to speculators."


Watch the whole meeting here (ITA).

Presentazione App

Kilowapp: born already grown-up

After more than 10 years, the "Photovoltaic Without Thoughts" Service evolves

The "Photovoltaic Without Thoughts" service

was born with the advent of CONTI ENERGIA (incentive contracts for the Italian photovoltaic sector), to support the STUDIOVENTURELLI's customers in controlling the production of energy from renewable sources.

October 2019:

the service, grown thanks to the many customers and thousands of production data received, processed and made understandable to the end user, evolves into


an APP that, collaborating with a simple PLUG&PLAY kit, alerts you in REAL time if there is energy production and how much!

Chi siamo

Contact Form


Phone:  +39 059 97.81.338 

Cell phone: +39 345 62.11.533


Address: Via Marianini, 13 - 41123 Modena (MO) - Italy

Contact us for any information

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